Cash Management

We work closely with our clients to manage cash positions by offering a variety of cash management products. Working within your investment policies and risk framework for your cash and liquidity needs, we tailor cash management products to provide you with the optimum yield and cash flow. Our cash management products include:

  • Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC’s) – issued by Schedule I banks, credit unions and other financial institutions in both Canadian & US dollars
  • High Interest Savings
  • Bonds (including Treasuries, Provincials, Municipals, Money Markets, Corporates, High Yield, Strips and Step Ups)
  • Structured Products (Principal Protection, Income and Growth Notes)
  • Foreign Exchange Management

Please contact us for a list of current rates offered

*Alternative investments involve specific risks that may be greater than those associated with traditional investments and may be offered only to clients who meet specific suitability requirements, including minimum net worth tests. You should consider the special risks with alternative investments including limited liquidity, tax considerations, incentive fee structures, potentially speculative investment strategies, and different regulatory and reporting requirements. You should only invest in hedge funds, managed futures or other similar strategies if you do not require a liquid investment and can bear the risk of substantial losses. There can be no assurance that any investment will meet its performance objectives or that substantial losses will be avoided.